

Inconel625 is an alloy grade with a density of 8.4 g / cm3 and a melting point of 1290-1350 ° C. It has excellent resistance to inorganic acid corrosion and excellent corrosion resistance to various corrosive media in oxidation and reduction environments.

625 alloy shows excellent corrosion resistance in many media. Excellent resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion and erosion in chloride media.


This alloy has the following characteristics:

1. Oxidation and reduction of the environment a variety of corrosive media have a very good corrosion resistance [1]

2. Excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion, and does not produce due to chloride stress corrosion cracking

3. Excellent resistance to inorganic acid corrosion, such as nitric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid and sulfuric acid and hydrochloric acid mixed acid

Excellent resistance to various inorganic acid mixed solution corrosion

5. Temperature up to 40 , in various concentrations of hydrochloric acid solution can show good corrosion resistance

6. Good processability and weldability, no post-weld cracking sensitivity

7. With a wall temperature at -196 ~ 450 pressure vessel manufacturing certification

8. Certified by NACE standards of American Society of Corrosion Engineers (MR-01-75) to meet the highest standards of use in sour gas environments Grade VII

Inconel 625 metallographic structure

625 is a face-centered cubic lattice structure. After holding at about 650 ° C for a sufficient period of time, carbon particles will be precipitated and the unstable quaternary phase will be transformed into a stable Ni3 (Nb, Ti) orthorhombic lattice phase. After solid solution strengthening, the molybdenum and niobium components in the Ni-Cr matrix will improve the mechanical properties of the material, but the plasticity will be reduced.

Inconel 625 corrosion resistance

625 alloy shows excellent corrosion resistance in many media. Excellent resistance to pitting, crevice corrosion, intergranular corrosion and erosion in chloride media. Has good resistance to inorganic acid corrosion, such as nitric acid, phosphoric acid, sulfuric acid, hydrochloric acid, etc., while oxidation and reduction environment also has alkali and organic acid corrosion performance. Effective resistance to chloride ion stress corrosion cracking. In the seawater and industrial gas environment almost no corrosion, seawater and salt solution has high corrosion resistance, the same at high temperatures. No sensitivity during welding. Carbonized and oxidized in both static and circulating environments, and resistant to chlorine-containing gases.


Inconel 625 Applications Areas of application are:

Softened annealed low-carbon alloy 625 is widely used in chemical process industries, good corrosion resistance and high strength so that it can be used as a thin structural parts. 625 alloy can be used in contact with seawater and to withstand high mechanical stress situations. Typical application areas:

1. Chlorinated organic chemical process components, especially in the use of acidic chloride catalyst occasions

2. Digester and bleach tank for the pulp and paper industry

3. Flue gas desulphurization system absorber, reheater, flue gas inlet baffle, fan (humid), stirrer, baffle and flue, etc.

4. For the manufacture of equipment and components for use in sour gas environments

Acetic acid and acetic anhydride reaction generator

6. Sulfuric acid condenser


Deformation Inconel625

Deformation Inconel625 refers to a class of alloys that can be hot and cold deformation processing, the working temperature range of -253 ~ 1320 , has good mechanical properties and comprehensive strength and toughness indicators, high oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance. According to its heat treatment process can be divided into solid solution-strengthened alloy and aging-enhanced alloy.

1, solid solution strengthening alloy

Operating temperature range of 900 ~ 1300 , the highest anti-oxidation temperature of 1320 . For example, GH128 alloy has a room temperature tensile strength of 850 MPa and a yield strength of 350 MPa. The tensile strength at 1000 ° C. is 140 MPa, the elongation is 85%, and the durability life at 1000 ° C. and 30 MPa is 200 hours and the elongation is 40%. Solid solution alloy is generally used for the production of aviation, aerospace engine combustion chamber, casing and other components.

2, aging strengthened alloy

Operating temperature is -253 ~ 950 , generally used for making aviation, aerospace engine turbine disk and blades and other structural parts. Making alloy disk alloy working temperature of -253 ~ 700 , requires a good high temperature strength and fatigue resistance. For example: GH4169 alloy, the highest yield strength at 650 up to 1000MPa; blade temperature alloy up to 950 , for example: GH220 alloy, 950 tensile strength of 490MPa, 940 , 200MPa lasting life of more than 40 hours.

Deformation Inconel625 mainly for the aerospace, aviation, nuclear energy, petroleum civil industry to provide structural forgings, pie, ring, bar, plate, pipe, strip and wire.

Environment Inconel625

In many areas of the civilian industry, service component materials are exposed to high temperatures and corrosive environments. To meet the needs of the market, according to the use of materials environment, a series of Inconel625 classified.

1, Inconel625 master alloy series

2, anti-corrosion Inconel625 board, rod, wire, belt, pipe and forgings

3, high strength, corrosion-resistant Inconel625 bar, spring wire, wire, plate, strip, forgings

4, resistant to glass corrosion products

5, environmental corrosion resistance, hard surface wear Inconel625 series

6, special precision casting parts (blades, turbochargers, turbine rotor, guide, instrument joints)

7, glass wool production centrifuge, high temperature axis and accessories 8, billet furnace with cobalt-based heat-resistant pads and rails

9, valve seat

10, casting "U" shaped resistance band

11, centrifugal casting pipe series

12, nano-materials products

13, light weight high temperature structural materials

14, Functional Materials (Expanded Alloy, High Temperature High Elastic Alloy, Constant Elastic Alloy Series)

15, biomedical materials products

16, electronic engineering target series

17, power plant nozzle products

18, Secretary Li alloy wear-resistant films

19, ultra-high temperature corrosion corrosion roller, radiant tube.

However,inconel625 is belong to specialty alloy (superalloy).

Post time: Dec-08-2017